About Us
International Vidyalaya
The Borivali Education Society’s
M.K.V.V. International Vidyalaya is an offspring of The Borivali Education Society’s which is a registered body. Conceived in the spirit of patriotic and dedicated service to the cause of Education, the school is meant to develop into a citadel of culture and progressive trend in modern education. All efforts are directed to mould the mind, heart and soul of the child.
The school was established on June 21st, 1999, under the guidance and vision of Shri. Vinubhai Valia, who has been The President of Borivali Education Society for last 25 years. He is in an Industrialist, Social Worker and a leading Citizen of Western Suburbs.
The foundation of the school was laid by The Director, Shri. Shantilal M. Shah.

Indeed! No one can say that his or her education is ever and will ever be complete as long as she/ he lives! Human beings are educated continuously wherever they are and whatever they might do in life. Education is not just literacy. It is not even information or accumulation of facts. True education is neither superficial nor skin deep. It sinks into the very marrow of our bones. Teaching methodologies, strategies, curriculum, priorities and attitudes keep changing rapidly. One’s education is never finished at any stage of one’s life. This is the beauty of that wonderful word called EDUCATION!! Herbert Spencer said it well many years ago:
“To prepare us for complete living is the function which education has to discharge”
Hence paradigm of education needs to be redefined every now and then. It must offer a holistic approach to teaching. We at MKVV are consistently striving to be in tune with this ever changing environment and create an ambience where a child dares to dream and the dream evolve from concrete reality of the individual talent. We teach them to transform their young dreams into reality and do themselves and their Alma Mater proud.
Thus we strive to draw out the capacities in a child which are waiting to be developed.
The ripple of the waters, the verdant beauty of the earth, the solemn majesty of the mountains and the sheer melody of the spoken and the written word have never failed to cast a spell on most of us and it is with this endeavour that the faculty has always been striving to inculcate in the students this love for the language and the sheer delight in savouring its nuances.
A school is not brick and mortar, it is rather a sum total of benign creativity of its members. We at MKVVIV, have always an open mind breaking free from conventional boundaries.
DR. Mrs. Nimisha Singh — Principal
Champion School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
Qualified Staff
Clubs & Activities
Active PTFA Members
Mission Statement/ Vision
Our mission at MKVVIV school is to develop the unique abilities and potential of each child by offering an enriched educational program. We strive for excellence through a hands-on approach. Rich traditions rooted in our innovative curriculum grow productive, caring, and intellectually curious citizens.
Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you, as a parent make for your child. If parents value school education, and are involved from the early years of school, then it is more likely that this will rub off onto your children.
Our Core Values/ Mission
We have a culture that is modern, relevant, and inspires students to have a brighter future. We are determined in our approach to learning, are creative in our thinking, and bold in our ambitions.
With the world changing constantly, the future is being reshaped too, every minute. MKVVIV aims at the holistic development of a child, making them future ready, regardless of the change.
Our Philosophy
We, at MKVVIV School, follow a child-centered educational approach. We make sure that it is based on scientific observations from birth to adulthood. We believe that a child is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.
Integrating technology in education to make our students ‘Future Ready’.

Our school regularly passes governmental certifications. We are confident our teaching is on top.

Our teaching staff undoubtedly consists of highly experienced and talented teacher who love children.

The library is a haven for the students. The student are encouraged to read and to keep himself / herself updated.